If you have determined the module (mn), number of teeth (z), helix angle (ß), and a profile shift factor (x), you can use our free calculation tool to calculate the measurement tooth number (k) and tooth width (W) based on k.
After filling in all input fields with the respective data, you will receive the result with a fixed pressure angle (alpha) of 20°. Except for the spline gearing (alpha typically 10°), practically all spur gears are designed with a pressure angle of 20°.
Note: The calculated tooth width (W) is the theoretical zero tooth width of the gear. Therefore, manufacturing specifications (tolerances, backlash, etc.) and wear are not taken into account.
The rights to this belong to HUEBER Service GmbH 2022. All calculation results are provided without guarantee. Any use of the calculation results is at your own risk.
For more information and illustrations on tooth width measurement, please visit: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zahnweitenmessung